Community Resources Expo

April 20, 2022

AMARILLO, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) – Panhandle Community Services and the Goodwill Career Resource Center announced a Community Resources Expo is planned to be hosted from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday at the Goodwill Career Center, located at 1904 Bell St.

Workforce Solutions Panhandle launches “SkillUp Panhandle” website

According to released information for the event, the expo is meant to offer the chance for community members to find assistance regarding multiple topics, including:

Utility bills

Affordable health insurance

Job preparation

Employment opportunities

Suicide prevention

Healthcare services

At-risk assistance

Low-income help

Homelessness assistance

Access to basic health screenings

Cancer prevention awareness

GED courses

More information on the event, according to the published information, can be accessed by calling 806-372-2531.

The original version of this story can be found here:

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