Tyson gives grant to help with tax preparation
April 20, 2022
The Tyson grant enabled PCS to train five volunteers and ten staff to help hundreds of working families in the local community, including Tyson team members, saving each family an average of $100-300 in annual tax preparation fees. In addition, this service can help employees and their families focus on developing savings goals and financial stability, the release says.
“Panhandle Community Services is so excited to have a partnership with Tyson Foods,” said Magi York, executive director of PCS in the release. “It showcases how much Tyson Foods cares about its employees. PCS is also able to provide education on how funds may be able to assist families with ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), ultimately directing more income to the family.”
The original version of this story can be found here: https://www.amarillo.com/story/business/2022/04/14/tyson-foods-helping-amarillo-team-members-ahead-tax-deadline/7318778001/.